Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Return

It's been quite a few months since my last blog was "shut down" by Google. Apparently I broke some rule and was "reported" and my blog was removed. I tried everything I could, jumped through hoops and applied with Google to have my blog reinstated but was not successful. After deciding to just give up on the blog thing, I had a very nice conversation with Kris' Great Aunt who told me that she really missed hearing about the family and what the kids were up to. I decided that even if it was for only a few people, I should let go my anger with what happened to my last blog and give it another go.

So, please welcome the triumphant return of The Rounds Rock Blog and make sure you add me to your blog roll!

By the power of the internet,

1 comment:

  1. Glad you brought it back. I told you that you are a good writer! I'm already sucked in and ready for more posts.
