Sunday, September 23, 2012

Summer Catch Up!

Since my blog was shut down I will attempt to give a quick catch up to what our family has been doing the last few months. Some of this may be old news to those in "the know" but for others this will be a nice way to see what we've been up to!

Yep. I did it! I graduated from Western Governors University with my Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing. I loved my program and was very satisfied with the process of going to college "on line." I highly recommend the program to anyone who is thinking about getting a college degree. My family came to watch me walk in the big graduation ceremony and I think my face was sore from smiling so much. I was excited that my kids were able to see me walk and I hope that they will remember all the hours I was working on homework and then the big payoff at the end! I feel more confident in my career with a four year degree and I hope that it will help me to have lots of options to grow as a nurse. I'm planning on getting my Master's next year (I promised Kris I would take a year off before going back to school..again...)

My baby sister Alissa married her sweetheart Blake in August. The wedding was just amazing! Lots of great friends and family and fun. My parents and brother and sister-in-law came from Texas and I was able to spend lots of quality time with them all. Of course, my kidlets LOVED having Grandpa and Grams here for a few weeks. I know we all were sad when it was time for them to go home. I wish there was a way to teleport from Utah to Texas so we could hang out every weekend. My sister looked just gorgeous and I'm so happy to have a new brother who is super amazing! It was a great end to the summer!

Genevieve turned 8 on July 9th! We celebrated at the Drive In and saw "Brave."

Norah turned 6 on August 14th and we also had her party at the Drive In. What can I say, my ladies like movies! We saw the new "Ice Age" movie. Norah has been obsessed with Fraggle Rock so we made sure it was a very Fraggle birthday!

 Whew! That's the greatest hits from the Rounds fam over the summer! Miss you all!

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