Friday, September 21, 2012

Back to School

This kids started back to school a few weeks ago. They were excited this year to get back to a regular schedule and of course, to see their friends. This year we have all three kiddos in school all day which is a strange feeling. The house is so quiet during the day!

Elliott is in SIXTH grade (gulp!) and absolutely LOVES his teacher. She's new to the school but already I know she is going to be a great fit for Elliott. The school district has changed it's policy and beginning next year, 6th grade will be junior high and that will push 9th grade to high school. I'm glad it doesn't start until next year because I don't think my little heart could have handled a kid in middle school! :) He's growing up too fast!

Genevieve is in THIRD grade. She also loves her teacher who is also a new addition to the faculty at the elementary school. She comes home everyday and retells the antics of her teacher and class. It sounds like this teacher is really about involving fun with learning which is a great fit for our Genevieve's bubbly personality. Genevieve is scheduled to take placement tests next week to see if she is eligible for an advanced placement program or to see if she can skip into the 4th grade. Her smarty pants Dad also skipped the third grade so we may have a like-father-like-daughter situation developing at our house! Genevieve is bright and passionate about learning so I know she will do well where ever she ends up.

Norah is in FIRST grade this year and has the same teacher Genevieve had. This is nice for us because we already know the teacher and have a great report with her. She is an older woman who is very patient, kind and likes to give the kids a lot of one on one attention which is great for our Norah. She's reading far beyond her grade level and has gotten permission to check out her library books from the "older kids" section.

I'm excited for this school year. The kids are really blossoming as students and I'm so lucky we are in a school district that has so many great teachers and programs for us to take advantage of.

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