Monday, September 24, 2012


Kris and I celebrated our TENTH wedding anniversary on the 24th. We had plans to go camping at Little Mill in the Unitas but our plans fell through so we just decided to drive through the canyon and then get some lunch.

We've always loved driving the Alpine Loop and this time of year, the colors of the leaves are changing and it's so beautiful! I love living in Utah and being just a short drive away from such a gorgeous and peaceful place. We drove slow, hiked a little, saw a few deer and just sat and enjoyed the surroundings. It was so nice to be able to do something we both love on a day that is special to us. We drove back to town and had a yummy lunch at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, La Puente, which we frequented a lot on date nights when we were first together. The food was great but the company was even better.

I'm so proud of us for all the work we've put into our marriage and even though we've had some tough years and undoubtedly we will have even more, I know we will be able to survive. I couldn't imagine my life without my cute hubby. Happy Anniversary, babe! Here's to our next decade as husband and wife!

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