Monday, January 26, 2015

Ok, Ok, I give up!

I've tried to put this blog to the back burner but somehow, it keeps coming to the front of my brain. I think to myself, "I should really be better about keeping up with the blog." And then I don't. Kind of like when I think, "I should really go to the gym today." And then I don't. Or, "I really should stay away from those delicious homemade chocolate chip cookies." And then I don't. 

So many things have changed with our family in the last few years. The kids are growing up, we've settled into a fairly basic routine of life--work, school, cook/bake, homework, repeat.  I feel that because I don't have a little baby who is hitting a milestones every other week, or some hilarious story to tell about my toddler's cute kid shenanigans, that I really don't have anything to share with anyone anymore. Then I thought a bit more.

I started really noticing how much people were asking me about my cooking, or needed advice about something childhood related or even asking me "how do you do it?" when referring to my crazy schedule. I began to toy with the idea of starting up this blog again with a slightly different tempo and focus. I may not be able to blog about the achievements of my toddlers but I do have a little bit of insight when it comes to managing a household, while working as an ICU nurse full-time. I don't have kids who are teething or learning to crawl but that doesn't mean I'm still not learning how to take care of one teenager, one tween and the caboose kid who sometimes gets a little neglected. I'm well past the diapers and bottle stage but I do have some experience with teaching a young man the responsibilities of treating girls appropriately, talking to my little one about puberty all while baking my own bread and making cleaning products! You're riveted right?

So, this will be a little bit of work stuff (because working in an ICU has it's own story to tell) and a little family related (three kids, need I say more?) with a little sprinkle of cooking and baking thrown in. Mostly, I feel like I've missed the opportunity to take the time to coordinate my thoughts and things that are important to me and put them down on virtual paper.

So here it is.

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