Saturday, December 22, 2012

T-Minus Teenager

The Boy. Smelliot. Smells. E. E-boy. Ee-oh-ut. He has many names but he will always be my special little guy. Surrounded by women, this boy is learning how to hold his own. Hard to believe we are in the countdown until he starts Jr. High AND becomes a teenager. I'm hoping to get in as many hugs, snuggles and face time before he officially morphs into a cave-troll...or whatever happens at the strike of midnight on his thirteenth birthday.

This year we celebrated at the nickle arcade. Elliott invited his friends from school and his cousins. I was home sick with bronchitis so Kris had to hold down the fort. He reported back to me that the kids were well behaved and also, that it was strange to see Elliott in his element--joking with friends, being loud, etc, because at home he's pretty quiet. The boys all had a great time. Elliott was in heaven because despite many "no way dude!" responses from me as he begged for the video game "Call Of Duty: Black Ops II", I caved and surprised him with the game. I guess that makes me officially the best/worst mom ever.

Happy birthday to my Smelliott. I'm glad you had a good day. LOVE YOU!

If someone can tell me how to switch the orientation on these photos, I will love you forever!
The crew

All the boys in his crew pass around the Barbie gift bag. We have it now so we have the honor of giving it to the next birthday boy in his group! Haha!

Had to sneak in a pic of miss Norah who had Aunt Lis all to her self!

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