Saturday, November 10, 2012

Snow Day

There are many things about Utah I don't like. The housing market is frustrating, the wages are awful and the inversion in the winter months make my lungs scream. What I love about Utah is the mountains, the changing seasons and the beautiful SNOW! We had our first big snow storm of the year and the kids and pup had a blast playing in the extra large drifts all day. It was a pain to shovel the walks every hour but hey, I need the exercise and it only happens a few times a year so I really shouldn't complain.

We spent the afternoon playing in the white stuff and then settled in for some hot chocolate and clam chowder. Norah was at a friends house so she missed the snow day but the way it's coming down, I'm sure she'll have many chances to roll in the drifts.

Archie is the happiest when he's chasing snow flakes!

Veeve and Elliott up to their knees in snow!

Elliott is rocking my pink boots--yeah, we wear the same size shoe!

This dog is in heaven!

Elliott got Genevieve in the face with a snow ball

Snow bed!


And Archie was so pooped after playing, he put himself to bed! Haha!

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