Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New what? Huh?

Because I had Christmas off work, I worked New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. Christmas is more centered around the kiddos so I really wanted to be home for that. New Years has never been a big deal for me so I didn't mind working the holiday. So, to prove my advanced age, I rang in the New Year with my eyes closed. Asleep. With my alarm set for 5AM and work clothes laid out. Woooooo! Party!

Kris wins another gold star in the race for parent of the year since he kept the girls entertained and let them run around outside blowing air horns and yelling " Happy New Year!" after the clock struck twelve. He then quickly tucked them into bed and joined me in deep sleep...crazy, right?

Elliott partied with his cousin BFF at the Q household and reports they stayed up until after 4AM-- "doing nothing." Ahhh, those were the days!

When all was said and done, the new year passed us with minimal fanfair. Not sure if it's just because we're really happy to see 2012 behind us or if we are just way more excited for what 2013 has to offer.

Here's hoping that this year is the best ever. Here's hoping we get a house this year. Here's hoping we are all healthy this year. Here's to me getting into a Master's program this year. Here's to you! Here's to us!

Ok 2k13. I'm ready. Come at me, Bro!

Happy New Year from The Rounds!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Giftmas 2k12

Christmas in our family consists of the following traditions:
SkipBo marathons...


more food...

food AND cards at the same time...

building graham cracker and candy houses...

wearing princess Santa hats...
Getting hugs from Uncle Blake...

feeding Santa's reindeer...

feeding Santa...

sleeping in the same bed...

getting excited for new books...

wearing footie jams and tearing wrapping paper...

getting dolls of your boyfriend...

rockin' the skulls...

did I mention footie jams?...

And finally...rockin' OUT!

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, from our family to yours!