Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Halloween is by far, my most favorite holiday. I LOVE watching scary movies, carving pumpkins and watching the leaves change color. I put pumpkin into all my baking and cooking and I love the way it makes the house smell. This year was no different. We carved and painted pumpkins, made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies and pumpkin pancakes. Halloween night we had a pizza party, trick 'o treated, all while enjoying the mild weather. I dressed up as Finn from the Adventure Time cartoon and the costume calls for a short-sleeved t-shirt and shorts. I thought I would have to improvise and wear long sleeve and jeans but there was no need--it was 68 degrees as we walked through the neighborhood. It was wonderful!

Elliott dressed up as Carl from The Walking Dead TV series. Genevieve was a zombie in pajamas and Norah was a purple princess. Their costumes fit their personalities and I'm always amused at what they come up with. Elliott is really into zombies and after his uncle Chris took him to the shooting range for an afternoon, he's convinced he's ready for the zombie apocalypse so of course he'd go as Carl. Genevieve loves to be scary on Halloween and again picked a costume that allows her to squirt herself with fake blood. Norah HAS to be something that allows her to put on massive amounts of lipstick and make-up so she was a princess.

We hope you all enjoyed a fun and safe Halloween!

Pumpkin Painting

She drew a witch face on her pumpkin

Elliott and his BFF Nash get the guts!


Zombie, Finn and Purple Princess get some candy!

Stay in the house, Carl!!

Purple Princess


No more kid stuff, Carl.